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CPDN: Conducting a Study

Scientists will be able to study events such as tropical storm Karl, which developed in the Atlantic in September 2016, using the OpenIFShome project. (Image: NASA Visible Earth, LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response team)

Conduct a Study using CPDN

Welcome to CPDN

Welcome to (CPDN for short), where volunteers and scientists collaborate to tackle some of society's most pressing questions related to our changing climate.


Advantages of Collaborating with CPDN:

Scientific Capability: CPDN offers scientists access to a powerful platform for conducting cutting-edge climate modeling experiments, harnessing the collective computational resources of 8000 machines to tackle complex research questions and generate valuable insights into climate variability and change.

Previous Research: In over 20 years of history, CPDN has had 50 sub-projects and provided over 170 scientific publications contributing to scientific research on climate variability and climate change. Past projects have explored topics such as seasonal forecasting, extreme weather events, and long-term climate projections, providing a foundation for further exploration and discovery.

Modelling Tools: The CPDN platform allows the utilization of climate models for the design of bespoke  experiments according to your research objectives. It enables access to a range of models tailored to different spatial and temporal scales, enabling comprehensive investigations into climate processes.

The currently available climate models in CPDN are:

Input Requirements: CPDN provides the infrastructure and support necessary to facilitate data collection, analysis, and interpretation of your data. Enabling the specifying of bespoke input data requirements for your experiments, including atmospheric composition, ocean circulation patterns, land surface characteristics, and more.


CPDN: Empowering Volunteers, Advancing Science, and Helping to Tackle Society's Relevant Questions

Ready to make a difference? Join us in our mission to understand and address the challenges of climate change. Together, we can drive positive change and build a sustainable future for generations to come.

Interested? Then contact us:

Or, explore further what can be studied using CPDN: